Podcasts for Advanced Learners: Business (reposting)

These are the best – tried and tested by my learners – but listen to them first yourself before recommending them to your learners!

Start Up:  https://gimletmedia.com/show/startup/ funny, crazy amateurs

This is pure brilliance and a firm favourite with my learners. the best thing is that it’s about business but also funny and real. Completely unique.

EOFire: http://www.eofire.com/  daily interviews, view income reports

Planet Money: http://www.npr.org/sections/money/ short & sweet

The $100 MBA: http://100mba.net/show/  daily business training

Mystery Show: https://gimletmedia.com/show/mystery-show/ quirky

Freakonomics: http://freakonomics.com/archive/  weird and wonderful

Tech recs: http://www.techinsider.io/38-best-podcasts-in-the-world-2016-3/#codebreaker-2

The Broad Experience: http://www.thebroadexperience.com/  bus women

One thought on “Podcasts for Advanced Learners: Business (reposting)

  1. Hello Teflhelper, I find very few posts helpful, yours is really one of the exceptions! Thank you and regards, James

    James Thew (M.BA.) Executive Coach SkyBlue Langues 7 rue de la vallée, 44190 Clisson Port :

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